We are an institution comprising an Early Childhood Development Centre, a Primary School and a Secondary School. The instant allure of Mukosi School environment is its breath-taking natural beauty. Mukosi School and its environment is at the heart of our concerns because it is an indispensable asset in the global struggle to protect the environment. Our students are guided into shaping and understanding their own role in the immediate and wider environment. Our school is integral to the local and global community and vice-versa. We have a programme fostering Active Partnership/s and we are therefore welcoming you to join us in any role; the benefits will be reciprocal in deep measures.
Mukosi School is an ecologically disposed institution. At a time when environmental concerns have become urgent, our true place is not secluded but interlinked with global events that affect the well-being of our planet. The trend in climate change is being felt within the Mukosi School eco-system; hence environmental issues are now cultivated at the core of our pupil's education. At Mukosi School, we teach empathy and encourage a spirit of co-operation which engenders harmony. We believe that this can be nurtured at a very early age. This is the nature of our deep ecology: that is how we have been learning to listen when our local flora and fauna speak.
- Blue is for matriarchal Mukosi river, blue mountains characterising our region, the great Tugwi-Mukosi lake downstream.
- Green is for botanical species and their diversity. It also stands for the school’s efforts at preserving the ecosystem.
- Yellow stands for the sun and energy systems; the school’s effort to utilise renewable energy i.e. solar, wind and bio-matter sources.
- Open the book! – the symbol π (Pi) represents transcendence – unending learning – key to our planet which is a sphere presented as the ball that we use in sport. The stave and drum represent our deepest form of communication.
- The hoe represents our efforts in cultivating and growing not only in horticulture but in knowledge.
- The pen represents academic discipline and the need to develop nurturing.

In the late 1930s, the Mukosi Community geared up to the idea of a school in this beautiful eco-sanctuary. This idea was first muted by one notable Erikana Mangwiro Shoko in 1938. Following that, the quadrumvirate of Messrs Shoko Mangwiro, Tavaruva Hungwe, Jojo Mberikunashe and Madzokere Nyajena established Mukosi School beneath a muvonde tree (fig tree: Ficus carica) in 1940 as a church institution. An iron bell was hung on a sturdy branch of a mutondo tree (Isoberlinia globiflora). After 80 years, that tree still flourishes like a school mascot and when its bell chimes, the resonances are felt deep within the woodlands, mountains and river valleys. Incredibly, its iron colour and shape resemble the ripened seed pods of that iconic mutondo tree. And by good fortune! It was always going to be an ecologically-driven institution.
The Early Child Development Programme (ECD) and the Primary School are headed by Headmaster Lighton Chinengundu. He is deputised by Mr Crispen Munyonga (a specialist in mathematical instruction). Mrs Mashonganyika runs our ECD centre on a voluntary basis. They are supported by 7 female and 4 male teaching staff members. Headmaster Chinengundu is a specialist in Special-needs education. Mukosi Primary works in partnership with Teachers Colleges and Universities; currently, there are 4 student teachers from Morgenster Teachers College for 5 terms. The Secondary School is headed by Headmaster Samuel Gere with the support of 2 female and 4 male staff members. Headmaster Gere is a specialist in English instruction. The Secondary Mathematics Department is run by Mr Runganga (a specialist in mathematical instruction) – who is passionate about establishing a vibrant mathematical bedrock at the school.

Stunning Mount Gondoi overlooks Mukosi School Campus. Mukosi retains the grandeur of beautiful woodland, river valley and spacious open country. Mukosi School Campus is tucked away beneath Mount Gondoi to the North and sheltered by Chimanye Hill to the West and Chidusa Hill to the South. Mukosi River meanders by on its southward flow into the great Tugwi-Mukosi lake, Zimbabwe’s second largest lake after Kariba. About 20 Km to the north is Morgenster Mission which hosted Zimbabwe’s first printing press and hospital from 1893. Here also, was founded a Teacher’s Training College and first school for the hard-of hearing. Just a few kilometers to the north is the World Heritage Monuments of Great Zimbabwe – the ancient capital with its majestic granite walls. Close by is the impressive lake Mutirikwe. About 25 Km further north is Zimbabwe’s oldest town of Masvingo.