We are grateful for the remarkable beauty which is the environment of our school. However, access routes to our school currently present a challenge for vehicles. Nevertheless, in keeping with our asset-based approach, this challenge has provided us with a great opportunity to develop a unique access route.
The Mukosi School Community has now completed a plan for a 5-mile access road linking Mukosi School to the main all-weather road. This route will be designed in a way that helps to preserve the unique environment.
We are deep inside the Tugwi-Mukosi lake Catchment Zone and we shoulder a responsibility to take mitigation measures against siltation into tributary streams. Our access road will be different. It will be an innovative ecological route; thus designed as an avenue bounded with a rich mix of trees and shrubs to limit erosion. This road in itself is so designed to be a dynamic library of information - with plates displaying information on the state of local fauna and flora.
In the first phase, we require a grader and a caterpillar to construct a gravel road with three low-level bridges. When adequate funding is obtained, a tarmac surface will be laid in the second phase as an ecological measure to prevent soil erosion along the route.
Mukosi School is looking for Active Partners interested in supporting this effort.