The beginning of our library…
At Mukosi School, we have not had more than a dozen books to work with for years. But we have now turned a page. The Mukosi School Community has just facilitated the delivery of close to a 1,000 books to kick-start the development of a school library.
Working in tandem with Ndirimo Trust, one of our key Partners who sourced the books from South Africa, the Mukosi School Community was able to facilitate the delivery of the precious cargo.
Headmaster Lighton Chinengudu comments:
We don’t have a physical library yet. But these books are precious and we value them so much that they will receive greater care and comfort than ourselves.
Consignment of books arriving in our nearest city of Masvingo
We are just beginning a landmark transformation of Mukosi School. This consignment will be the first batch in the development of a modern Library. The were dispatched from South Africa to a delivery point just outside Chevron Hotel Masvingo.
From here, a hired car was arranged – as the school does not have its own transport – to ferry the books from their delivery point to the school. On the left, is a picture of a dedicated community member Obert Mberi, who volunteered to help Headmaster Chinengudu with the loading of the books into the car.
Books on their journey to Mukosi School
Our hired vehicle struggles to make its way to Mukosi School due to the poor state of the road leading to the school. Find out more about our project to reconstruct the road.
Mukosi School Library begins!!!
Journeying past the World Heritage Great Zimbabwe Monuments and Morgenster (where Zimbabwe’s first Printing Press was established in 1889), our precious cargo arrives to pomp and ceremony.
Mukosi Community gathered to receive the books.
Books distribution
Our pupils’ delight is palpable.