Exam time at Mukosi School
It’s examination time at Mukosi School. There’s a buzz on the campus. Our pupils are focused to achieve and get good grades.

Mukosi School does not have a secure storage for exam papers. So the headmaster/staff members have to make very early morning trips to Morgenster (the local educational centre) to pick up the exam papers – ready for the 9am start. A second trip has to be made on the same day to deliver the written papers back to Morgenster.

On September 27th at 7:27 am, the headmaster’s motorbike broke down while en-route. Our Headmaster Lighton Chinengundu recounts:
“Unfortunately, the chain of my motorbike broke. I was left with 1 hour 33 mins to get the papers from Morgenster and take them to Mukosi School for the 9 am exams. I had to get a lift from Morgenster to the top of the dust access road leading to the school. I then called our maintenance staff Obert Mberi to pick up the papers by bicycle to quickly deliver them to the school. I had to follow on foot and walked the 5 mile trek as fast as I could to supervise the exam.”
In our redevelopment designs, we have plans to construct secure storage facilities with a strong lock. These facilities will be used for the safe-keeping of important school documents and exam papers.